Dead in the Water

Stephen Jarrell Williams

Sea waves
slowly up and down
I'm floating
on my back
not understanding why
I didn't treat myself
shielding my eyes
from the sun
seagull squawking
flying away
into approaching night
always stars overhead
wishing I could sing
without coughing
salt on my lips
thinking of you
and you and you
wondering where I am
this year
seemingly like all the others
except I can't catch my

© 2009 Stephen Jarrell Williams. All rights reserved.


About the Author

Stephen Jarrell Williams loves to write, listen to his music, and dance late into the night. He was born in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. His parents are native Texans. He has lived most of his life in California. His poetry has appeared in Anthology, Avocet, Blue Collar Review, The Broome Review, Byline Magazine, Chronogram Magazine, Fissure Magazine, Freefall, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Hawaii Review, HUNGUR, Liquid Imagination, Nerve Cowboy, Mirror Dance, POEM, Poesia, Posey, Purpose, REAL, Tales from the Moonlit Path, and many others.